Business - HotNews24

Did Amazon’s Unconventional Loyalty Test Hurt Employee Morale?

Did Amazon's Unconventional Loyalty Test

Did Amazon’s Unconventional Loyalty Test In the world of corporate giants, Amazon has always been a subject of fascination. Known for its relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction and innovation, the company has made headlines for its unique approach to employee management as well. One such distinctive approach was when Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, offered employees … Read more

Amul’s Bold Gamble Navigating Risks and Seizing Opportunities for Growth

Amul's Bold Gamble

Amul’s Bold Gamble Navigating Risks and Seizing Opportunities In the heart of New York’s bustling Times Square, a unique campaign has caught the eye of half a million people – “Be More Milk.” This 15-second message, playing 20 times an hour and 480 times daily, might seem unexpected in such a cosmopolitan setting. Still, it’s … Read more