Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Birth Anniversary: Dr. Abdul Kalam’s Valuable Insights Inspire Achievements.

APJ Abdul Kalam Birth Anniversary: The birth anniversary of the 11th President of India and great scientist Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam is celebrated today, on 15 October every year. Dr. Kalam’s entire life serves as an ideal and a source of inspiration. He is affectionately known as the ‘Missile Man.’ Born in Rameshwaram, Dr. Kalam initially aspired to become a pilot during his childhood, but due to family reasons, this dream was not realized. However, undeterred by this setback, he embarked on a journey to Rishikesh, where he crossed paths with Swami Shivananda. Under Swami Shivanand’s guidance, Dr. Kalam found a new path that led him to become a scientist and bring glory to India on the world stage. Dr. Kalam made substantial contributions to India’s missile program, helping the country rise as a leader in this field. His birthday is celebrated as Students’ Day, and he continues to be an exemplary figure for students and millions of young individuals. Take a moment to contemplate Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s valuable thoughts on the occasion of his birth anniversary.

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